A Washington Post megmondja a frankót. Természetesen csak megerősíteni tudja a gyanút, ami már sok ember fejében felderengett: a nyugati titkosszolgálatok nem állnak a helyzet magaslatán. (folyt. =>)
In January, Spanish police arrested 14 men in Barcelona who they suspected were preparing to bomb subways in cities across Europe. Investigators disclosed in court documents that the arrests had been prompted by a Pakistani informant working for French intelligence.
The revelation infuriated French officials, who were forced to withdraw the informant -- a rare example of an agent who had successfully infiltrated training camps in Pakistan. Spanish authorities expressed regret but said they had no choice; after they failed to find bombs or much other evidence during the arrests, the case rested largely on the informant's word."
'"We're still kind of stuck in the Cold War approach to this," Scheuer said. "This is a much more difficult target than the Soviets were. These people are true believers. They're living according to their beliefs, not in the lap of luxury."'
Bele sem merek gondolni, mennyi időbe telt a CIA-nak, mire erre rájött...
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