African Geopolitics / Géopolitique Africaine
Naval Postgraduate School - Center on Contemporary Conflict
Center for International Security and Cooperation
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies
COIN Central - The Counter Insurgency Journal
Daniel Larison - The American Conservative
Defence & Security Intelligence & Analysis - IHS Jane's 360
Facts on International Relations and Security Trends
Feldgrau - The German Armed Forces 1918-1945
Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis
Institute for Security Studies
International Institute for Strategic Studies
International Peace Information Service
Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft
James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies
Parallel History Project on Cooperative Security
Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly
Passport - Big stories from a small world
Sahel Blog - Covering Politics and Religion in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa
Sohbet Karbuz - on U.S. Military Energy Consumption, Geopolitics, Peak Oil and Oil Market
Stephen M. Walt - A realist in an ideological age
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist
The International Encyclopedia of Uniform Insignia Around the World
U.S. Army Center of Military History
Waq al-Waq - Yemen, the Middle East, and the World Beyond
al-Wasat - The Muslim world, radicalization, terrorism, and Islamist ideology
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