Az Irakban állomásozó amerikai erőknél 2004 óta a kétszeresére nőtt az egy katonára jutó üzemanyagfogyasztás, ami nagyrészt a MRAP-járművek és a páncélozott Humvee-k egyre nagyobb mértékű használatának tudható be. Ennek a hadigépezetnek a napi üzemanyagigénye így eléri a napi 11,5 millió liter benzint. (folyt. =>)
"But even the newest armored Humvees, which weigh about six tons, haven’t been enough to protect soldiers against the deadly explosives. Last year, Congress, the White House, and the Pentagon agreed on a four-year plan to spend about $20 billion on a fleet of 23,000 mine-resistant ambush protection vehicles or MRAPs. Last August, the Pentagon ordered 1,520 of the vehicles at a cost of $3.5 million each.
The MRAPs mean even greater demand for fuel from U.S. troops in Iraq. An armored Humvee covers perhaps 8 miles per gallon of fuel. One version of the MRAP, the Maxxpro, weighs about 40,000 pounds, and according to a source within the military, gets just 3 miles per gallon. The increased demand for fuel for the MRAPs will come alongside the need for an entirely new set of tires, fan belts, windshields, alternators, and other gear."
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