"War is thus divine in itself, since it is a law of the world.
War is divine by the manner in which it breaks out. I do not want to excuse anyone inopportunely, but how many of those who are regarded as the immediate authors of wars are themselves carried along by circumstances! At the exact moment brought about by men and prescribed by justice, God comes forward to exact vengeance for the iniquity committed by the inhabitants of this world against him." - Joseph de Maistre: Saint Petersburg Dialogues, 1821
Egy archív felvétel a mai évforduló alkalmából:
Barátságos mottó egy Ju-52 típusú szállítógép oldalára festve: "Szállítsunk akár embereket, benzint, bombákat vagy kenyeret - Lengyelországba a halált visszük."
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